The college possesses excellent laboratories as per the guidelines of PCI, AICTE & KUHS. All the laboratories are equipped with essential requirements, Viz glass apparatus, instruments, reagents etc
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry has well equipped with ventilated spacious four labs with water and gas connections, fume cupboard, glass wares etc. The department has UV spectrophotometers, Digital melting point apparatus, microwave reactor, hot air oven, vacuum pump, mechanical stirrers, filtration equipments and other instruments to carry out research.
The department of pharmaceutics has well equipped spacious four labs. The department has enough facilities to prepare various dosage forms like tablet punching machine, capsule filling machine, tablet dissolution apparatus and other instruments needed for the evaluation of dosage forms.
The Department of Pharmacognosy is well established with the modern equipments. The Pharmacognosy mainly concerned with the extraction, isolation process. The dept also aimed in the standardization of various formulations used in the different indigenous systems. The Medicinal garden attached to the department. It has a collection of over 150 verities of medicinal plants, most of which are either rare or extinct.
The department of Pharmacology is equipped with many modern types of equipment which are commonly used in the experimental pharmacology, like Eddy’s hot plate, rota rod apparatus; electro-convulsiometer etc. The department has a well maintained animal house.
Department of Pharmacy Practice provides the best clinical exposures to our students. Here long periodic classroom lectures with computers projector facilities are available.
The central instrumentation facility has been created with an objective of providing latest and advanced analytical techniques for research in various areas. This facility is extensively used by undergraduate students and faculty members
Central instrumentation room
- UV- VIS Spectrophotometer
- Fluorimeter
- Potentiometer
- Flame Photometer etc